Japanese Garden of Peace


For the past 3 years, we have been building a Japanese Garden of Peace in Auroville, India with the support of volunteers and donations from others.  Slowly the garden is growing and its hidden Beauty is coming Alive.  As you will see in the video and the pictures below, many features have manifested, including a stone bridge with adjacent pond, pathways made of used roof tiles, plantation of bamboo, trees, shrubs and grasses, and small boulders placed.

Now we are in need of your help to continue the work!

Why a Japanese Garden?

Our Japanese Garden and Pavilion of Silence, designed by Japanese Aurovilian artist and landscaper Jyoti, has been intended to be both a space for silent contemplation in the ancient tradition of Japanese gardens while also being an additional educational element for the Botanical Gardens as a whole – where children, school groups, and people from around the world come to experience and learn about nature and plants while experiencing different landscaping traditions from around the world. It is meant to bring the Japanese quality of Beauty into our Botanical Garden space, while also being a place where people will be able to feel inspired by the harmony of nature and Spirit that Japanese gardens are famous for.

Our garden is also meant to be an educational space for Japanese cultural activities, where traditional tea ceremonies and other Asian events can be offered and experienced. We wish for this space to reflect the truth that Beauty can be used to inspire greater Consciousness and Peace in the world.

Watch Our Video and Donate to Our GoFundMe Campaign!

Auroville and the Auroville Botanical Gardens are a volunteer-based intentional community striving to build Peace and Human Unity for the Earth, so we need YOUR support to build this garden.  Watch our video above or visit our GoFundMe Fundraising Campaign page where you can donate or share with your community.  Here are other ways you can help:

  • SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD! – Whether or not you can donate money for this project, the success of this campaign will depend on if YOU will share about it with your friends on social media and by email so that it can reach as many people as possible.  You can share the campaign directly from the GoFundMe Campaign Page, or….
  • SHARE ON FACEBOOK – I have posted already the campaign on my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/noel.parent.16) and have created an Event https://www.facebook.com/events/237745710250602/  … Please help by sharing these on your Facebook timeline!
  • SHARE ON TWITTER – I have tweeted about the campaign from my twitter account @YogaPoetry, which you can Re-Tweet if you wish.  The more the better!
  • SHARE FROM INSTAGRAM – I have posted on Instagram so you can also share directly from there to other social media.  Look for me @StoryYoga.
  • SHARE FROM YOUTUBE – Our campaign video is on Youtube and can be shared directly from there!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEkutW-I0Po&t=15s
  • SHARE YOUR CONTACTS – If you know any individuals, groups, or other organizations who may be interested in supporting our garden and wish to help us contact them directly, please feel free to CONTACT ME and I will be in touch!

We appreciate any support and hope you will take a look at our video and these pictures to see the Beauty we are trying to create.  Thank you and many wishes of Peace to All!


