I smiled when I read this once again…..hope some of you will enjoy this!

Sri Aurobindo Center of Los Angeles and the East-West Cultural Center

It is rather remarkable that when we have a weakness – for example a ridiculous habit, a defect or an imperfection – since it is more or less part of our nature, we consider it to be very natural, it does not shock us. But as soon as we see this same weakness, this same imperfection, this same ridiculous habit in someone else, it seems quite shocking to us and we say, “What! He’s like that?” – without noticing that we ourselves are “like that.” And so to the weakness and imperfection we add the absurdity of not even noticing them.

There is a lesson to be drawn from this. When something in a person seems to you completely unacceptable or ridiculous – “What! He is like that, he behaves like that, he says things like that, he does things like that” – you should say to yourself,  “Well, well…

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I identified totally with the experience of this blogger, shared through this posting about the Wisdom of the Body……There is indeed a Force working in and through the body, and even more, in the cells of the body that are awakening to their own Truth and Light…….Yes, Matter itself is awakening to its own Truth which has been covered up by our human false perception and by the Mental way of seeing and experiencing things, which is the way of Division and making everything separate, instead of experiencing all as a Unity. Matter itself is also awakening to its own sense of its own inherent Unity, along with us but in its own way which will change everything, including our own understandings and experiences of spirituality and yoga as a whole. Enjoy and share!

Waking The Infinite


I can tell you that there is a perfect system for uncovering all the latent material that needs to be dispensed with in order to live a fuller freer life.  In awakening, a shift happens; an energy which is itself aware runs all through you.  It dives down into your cells, invading every nook and cranny of you, filling each space, each seemingly empty forgotten space with awareness, a certain kind of awareness, which is itself bliss.  This is a powerful present form of sentience, and at first, it has caused many, including myself, some caution. For some, it has been too much and has driven people over the edge.  This is the one thing that is talked about in regards to the “dangers” of kundalini.  It is a lot to take in, and if you pull away from it in fear, then that fear is multiplied.  On the…

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