Poem: Twin Flame

in a world where all seems lost and untrue,

two beings sailing adrift, separate and alone,

calling upon the powers of Spirit’s good grace         

to embody a Connection of True Intimacy,               

found in unlikely places their Intrinsic Soul,

where Fate emerged from its long hiding place

and woke a Twin Flame by their Inner Identity.


a simple Glance upon a lone picture’s smile,

a few words read upon the ether’s profile,

and all the Heavens opened with a descending Flood,

washing over their Hearts with a Moment’s Touch,

igniting a Fusion between familiar strangers,

awakening the Bliss of a shared Destiny

where space and distance were no obstacles

to a mutual Discovery bound in Eternity’s Love:

a Yearning across ages seemed to be fulfilled,

Uniting two who were yet always the same One.


a long awaited reconciliation was upon their Soul:

his presence, a shining Light for her uneasy days,

her Laughter, a Dance of Joy for his lonely Heart,

her Eyes, an endless Ocean for him to merge within,

her Love, the compass of his Soul’s exploration.


through shadows and sufferings born of fear,

the two now One discovered strength to Soar,

separate paths now Interwoven and joined ever more,

a new Journey gazing into the Future’s Unknown,

a twin Phoenix arising from adventures long past,

flaming together towards the Dawn of One Soul.

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