New Children’s Book: The Legend of the Flute Player

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My new children’s book published by HarperCollins Children’s Books India is now published and ready to order!  The Legend of the Flute Player is a magical and mystical story about the desire to share one’s truth, the search for beauty, the discovery of nature’s inspiration in all its forms, and the deeper inner spiritual truth that we are all called to discover in the silence of our hearts. It is a story to inspire both children and adults, with beautiful illustrations that tell the story with creative revelations by my friend Marina Minina. We hope this book will open hearts and minds to new beautiful parts of themselves.

You can help spread the word by sharing with others on social media (see @storyyoga on Instagram or StoryYoga For Children on Facebook).

Or you can be inspired and order the book from the following sites: (India/Asia)
Barnes and Noble
Books a Million
Sapna (India)
Flipkart (India)
Books Wagon (India)

Available in paperback and ebook!

Children’s Book Release: “Yaroslava’s Flowers”

Illustration by Pankhuri Singh

Illustration by Pankhuri Singh

Flowers hold a great spiritual Power and Truth….This is the essential message of my new children’s book, Yaroslava’s Flowers, which is now available for all children and all those with a Child Heart.  It is a story that inspires everyone to experience the spiritual magic of Flowers, Nature, and Life, and how we each have the power to transform the world around us, and Within us!

Yaroslava’s Flowers is a story for all children and anyone with a youthful Heart.  Yaroslava is a little girl who loves flowers so much that she can hear them speak to her.  When the Flower Spirit appears to her and gives her a bag of magic seeds, she embarks on a Journey of the Spirit to discover the healing and transforming power of flowers.  As Yaroslava brings YFBackcovernew life to the places and people around her, she also discovers more about herself – through the power of flowers!”

Children’s stories especially have such power to sow seeds of wisdom and light, beauty and love, into their lives.  This is what I have endeavored to do with my children’s story and all my other writing.  I hope you will give this beautiful little book the opportunity to inspire your children and the children in your life….even those who may have forgotten that they still have an Inner Child deep within them!

The book is now available to order HERE, where you can also see previews, so please share it with others in your life.  I will need YOUR help to share this book with others around the world, so please consider helping in the following ways:

  • Buy a copy of the book for you, your children, your friends or family, your local library or school, or just a special Child in your life who deserves a special book which shares the Magic and Spirit of flowers, nature, and humanity.
  • Share about this book on Facebook (, Twitter (@yogapoetry), Pinterest, or any other social media you are active on. You can also share my Blog Website:
  • Share with me the contact information for any local independent bookstores, alternative spiritual or metaphysical stores, flower shops or other artsy shops in your area, or talk with them directly about carrying the book.
  • Add a link on your blog/website to my book page at
  • Tell me of any local or online literary magazines or communities, online or real world, that might do a review of my book, or talk to anyone you know who works in these fields.
  • Do your own review of the book on my blog/website at:

I wish to thank the lovely illustrator, Pankhuri Singh SKMBT_C45114110720380_0008(, who created all the beautiful illustrations and imagery for the story, as well as the Designer of the book, Krupa Jhaveri (, who pieced together all the images and text to create the wonderful book that exists now.

Thank you very much for your wonderful support and I wish all of you and the children around the world lots of Love and Light and the Magical Beauty of Flowers…… A Friend to the Child Soul in All, Noel