The New Relationship in Love

From the beginning of existence the search for Love in life has been like a divinelove2constant Urge and Yearning behind all of life’s movements….like the body’s need to Breathe, when it is not there and not felt truly, deeply, dynamically, there is this reaction within us, even within Matter itself, to gasp and cry out for it, to reach for it, even fight for it, as if it were the only True Thing….without it we suffocate.  It is this Love that binds us together, the interconnected Bliss of the Oneness that is not just within each of us but also everywhere and in everything, which allows us to relate and experience relations of all diverse kinds in Life.  It is this inherent and essential Love that pushes and pulls us as humans together and apart, like a Dance that is seeking a Divine Harmony, but has yet to totally Realize it in its absolute Perfection.

One of the powerful ways that this seeking for Love has manifested itself through us is in our desire for a special, intimate partnership with another Soul that opens us up to more of who we truly are, which helps us grow beyond our boundaries and limitations and inspires us to experience life in new ways.  Yet, while these romantic relationships have been a beautiful way for Love to bring us together and help us see beyond our blindness and build the awareness of our profound interconnectedness, we must also recognize that there is a need to grow further and evolve in our way of experiencing and relating with each other.

The world is slowly beginning to realize that Love is something far beyond any relationship with another person that we may connect with or experience life with, that we are more Divine than we have understood and that this Love we seek is ultimately within us all the time, for it is Who We Are, that it is not something we receive from outside ourselves but rather something which lives always deep within us, and which we must awaken more and more as we grow and become more Conscious of our Divine Source which animates everything and all of us.  With this Awakening to our inner Divine Truth, our own Self-Love which, again, does not belong to one individual or another, but which is a Self that lives in all of us, as Us, the need to shift our perception of our relationships between each other, especially those we call ‘romantic’, is also necessary. 

The old relationships of the world have been dominated by old ideals and old powers, by old perceptions of separation and the need to dominate or be dominated.  Our romantic relationships of the past have been weighed down and tainted by the power games we have created between men and women, by the need to control, by superficial and artificial desires and interests, by so many false ways of looking at each other and seeking to manipulate each other to satisfy personal desires that are bound up in this sense that we are separate from each other and from everything else – what is known as the great Ego that experiences everything according to fear because it perceives itself to be separate from everything – and thus the need to create disharmonious ways of attaining whatever it/we want.  Yet this dark illusion of the Ego and Division is slowly crumbling….the veil of ignorance is being pierced and thrown aside more and more as the Light Within us breaks through the crust of our blind shells.  It is revealing to us that what we have believed to be Love in this world is still merely a shadow of a Divine Love which is more powerful than we have yet imagined.  It is showing us that this Love goes beyond the need to find “the perfect match”, “the one”, with the idea that we must find someone with particular characteristics or “mutual interests”, where love seems to be more about satisfying personal desires and images, about needing certain things to feel happy or loved, about give-and-take relations, about finding something in the outer world that one has not found within oneself, and so many other false ways of being.

There is a growing Aspiration in humanity for a New Relationship, a True Relationship that is based in a Love that must first be found Within Oneself.  As long as one does not know the Divine Origin of Love at the Heart of Oneself, then our relationships with others cannot yet be the Harmony and Beauty that is possible. The search for Love is ultimately, of course, the search for our true Self, the search for the Divine within us.  It is true that when we seek Love outwardly in life it is Love, and the Divine, which is seeking Itself, seeking to unite itself with more and more of its own Vastness of Form and Diversity, within its ever Vaster Unity.  This is a part of our Journey, and there is a beauty in this.  Yet as long as we are not fully Conscious of ourselves as being this Love, we continue to live life, and our relationships, from this false sense of separation, which creates only the disharmony, difficulty and suffering (personal and collective) which is plaguing our world.

Though we experience and perceive life as being separate, divided, this is merely a part of a passing phase along a Vaster Journey that we all are traveling within, and being carried by.  Our collective truth is not ultimately Division, but an inherent Interconnectedness and Total Oneness of All.  Love is this Connection and the Connector which is fulfilling itself through all our experiences in life, even the most difficult and painful.  Yet as we become more Awakened to the Love that resides within us, the difficulty and pain can and will become transformed.

The vision of this New Relationship empowered by a Divine Love is something that can take us beyond the need for romantic relationships, but does not exclude the possibility and beauty of them, whether they are between men and women or the same sex, or any other diverse arrangements and partnerships.  It is a Relationship where one loves  not because of what one receives, but because one simply Loves to Love.  It is a Love that sees and discovers itself in everyone, and everything, and chooses to Love without needing anything, for It Is everything already…..there is no need for desire, no need to cling or to hold or expect…for Love is constantly Free by the nature of it dwelling everywhere.  It is a Relationship where each Soul offers oneself unconditionally, totally, in all one’s unique Lightness and darkness, strength and weakness.  It is where a magnetic Fire of Connection breathes between the Souls without needing anything, yet willing to share everything, to surrender ourselves to the Divine Presence in each other mutually in a pursuit of the Inner Union.  It is a Relationship that is essentially motivated by the Aspiration to serve the Divine Consciousness, to grow and to Become more of the Beauty of this Life Divine together.  It is a Relationship of transcending each other’s limitations to arrive on that pathway which emerges into an Unending Evolution and Growth of Consciousness, the Eternally flowing and Becoming of Truth that is as diverse as our Infinite Imagination and Creativity allows.  It is a Relationship of each Soul building the Harmony of their own being in the context of another Soul’s growing Harmony, where each accepts both the Light and the dark, and recognizes that the challenges of the other are a part of oneself, of All.  It is a Relationship of true Intimacy, where sharing each other becomes an offering to the Divine in the other, where engaging each other becomes a process of Awakening to each other’s Truth and Beauty, of Light and Absolute Love.  It is a Relationship where each and every Moment is sacred and offers the opportunity to grow and experience the Beauty of each other, including all the difficulties and challenges that are confronted along the Way.  It is a Relationship where each must feel comfortable in expressing and sharing their truths of each moment, even if those truths be only temporary steps towards the Greater Truth to come, and where each can accept the other for where they are at without judgment, and offer the support that is right for each moment, for the unique Soul that is before them.  It is a Relationship that must keep itself Open always to Change and Transformation, and to Surrendering all attachments and expectations even as one Aspires and Dreams together for a greater Abundance of Experience.  It is a Relationship that can find something Beautiful even if the Relationship lasts merely a Moment, a Year, a Lifetime, or More…..for it is a Relationship that knows it is a representative of the Eternal Infinite Relationship of All, that we are ultimately all One and must merge our Being with this All that dwells within All, even as we keep true to our own unique Identities as individuals, couples, groups, or collective bodies of Light Beings.

The New Relationship may only be slowly emerging at the present time, and may take a lot of work and difficulty for it to shed its Light upon this chaotic world that is in dire need for a change in how we live and relate with one another.  Yet it is destined to Be as we dare to go ever deeper within ourselves as individuals to Connect with our own Divine Source, and as we dare collectively to build a world that recognizes this Divine Relationship in and between all of us.  Let us dare to share ourselves more freely and dare to overwhelm the fears of the world with our growing Absolute Love.  May All Love awaken within All of You and Us….and may we each find the Soul Partnership that is destined for each of us. 

Love and Light,