A Personal Letter to the U.S. and All the People of the World


Although I was born and raised in the United States, thirteen years ago I moved to an international township in south India where people from over 50 countries live together with the aspiration to work towards Human Unity and Peace. From afar I have observed the increasing state of Division spreading not only in the U.S. but in the world.  The pain we feel now is our Collective Soul’s innate cry for this Unity and Peace that we are missing.  For many decades the world has been growing – ever slowly – closer together in all aspects of our lives – colonized countries being finally liberated, people sharing more of their diverse cultures and identities, a growing acceptance and love for the beauty of everyone, movements of empowerment for groups of people being oppressed, a new recognition of our connection to the Earth, to nature and to each other, a growing sense of our inherent Oneness in Body, Soul and Spirit, through science and spirituality. This hidden Unity has been revealing itself to us through all our ‘growing pains’ despite the continuation of old divisions, fears and violence lingering in our reality.  It is these old divisions and fears which have now currently risen up intensely in so many forms seeking to stop this growing Unity, a Unity which is inevitable upon the Earth, and it is these divisions and fears that we must seek to understand more deeply in ourselves and to heal in each other.  In my community in India, many of us have seen clearly that a real Unity can only be created with Diversity.  As someone who has lived and worked with people from all around the world, with differing ideals, beliefs and perspectives about life, I have observed that there is one disease which is the source of many conflicts and much suffering throughout the history of the world – the desire of groups of people to force their way of life upon other people. 

Whether it be a religious, scientific, economic, social, cultural, governmental or other principle, people seem to have a deep desire to force their ideals and ways of living, their beliefs, upon others.  We have gone to war on all levels of society and civilization – even within our own families and relationships – in order to control other people and dictate how they should or should not live.  This is the real source of our inability to live together in true Harmony, Peace and Unity.

When we force people to live by our own ideals or beliefs, we inherently create the inevitability of conflict.  We create an environment where people feel threatened and will always seek out a way to defend themselves in whatever way they can.  Anyone who denies the freedom of any other individual or group to choose how to live their life by restricting their rights or their inherent dignity as humans is essentially an oppressor, a dictator.  This act of denial makes them unworthy of those very rights they deny to others, and inevitably forces people to seek justice by any means necessary.  In this we create a cycle of division, conflict and fear, which remains as long as we continue to attack each other instead of trying to understand more deeply who we all are and the greater Truth that underlies all our apparent differences. As long as the Soul and Spirit of any individual or group of people is not allowed to live and express itself freely according to its own divinely inspired choices and ways of being, humanity will be in constant conflict with itself.  But it doesn’t have to be this way.  This is not humanity’s Truth.  We are all much greater than this.  For within every human lies the potential to grow and to change, to open to new Visions of understanding and caring for every person, and all life, upon this Earth. 

All religious and spiritual paths have revealed that what we call God lives and breathes in Everything, in every person and place, in every atom and cell, in every situation and experience, and that this God itself is a vast Unity, a dynamic Oneness which lives through a dynamic Diversity of Life that animates all of us.  If we could recognize this immense truth of our hidden nature, we would then be capable of relating to all people, to all nations and races, to all ways of living, to all new ideas and beliefs, not as ‘others’ that are separate or different than ourselves, but as parts of God appearing before us, as parts of our own greater Self that has the ability to reveal to us something new about who we really are as humans and as Souls.  In this realization, we no longer could force others to live by what we may choose for ourselves, nor could we do any violence upon another – for we realize that what we do to others we truly do to ourselves, to our children, to all people, and to God, to All.  When we see that we are all One then we are able to create Peace and Unity.  For we hold within us the Soul of a Divine Consciousness which connects us to Everything and Everyone, where we can recognize that there is nothing to fear, that there is enough for everyone on this planet, and that we only spread hate and fear and division because of the wounds and pains of our past which we have not healed, because we have not discovered the true source of Power within us which does not depend upon controlling others or seeking to keep them from their own power, because we have not yet experienced or seen the vast Truth of Life which connects us all to each other and to God, and that we are all One Body, One Being, and One Soul that lives in a Diversity of forms through the Grace of a Divine God, a great Something Else, which is far vaster than what we or any religion or philosophy or scientific ‘discovery’ can define or imagine.  We are, each of us, every Soul upon Earth, much much MORE than we have ever imagined, and we have the power deep within our own selves to create a world that reflects the Beauty, the Love, the Light, the Peace, the Wonder of all our most glorious Dreams.

However, in order to create a more beautiful world for all of us, we must ALL be willing to stop ourselves, to look at who we have become as individuals, as families, as nations, as groups of people, to see deeply into our flaws and weaknesses, our mistakes and failures, to be truly honest with ourselves and to let go of our fears of being truly seen by others, to start seeing clearly what no longer helps us create real Unity and Peace and to begin to heal and transform all that we know will never lead us to a more peaceful, just, and harmonious world.  As long as we use anger and hatred against each other, we only create more of the division that we are plagued with in the world, and any Change that we hope for will never manifest.  Yet every Soul has in the core of their being a Light that can awaken with all the Compassion, Peace, Forgiveness, Truth, and Love to change the nature of our circumstances.  Each of us holds a Flame of Power within us to create our world anew.  If we can choose to use that Flame to ignite our powers of Creation instead of destruction, of Healing instead of harming, of Uniting instead of dividing, of allowing Freedom instead of seeking to control, then we shall be on the path towards a more peaceful future of Unity in Diversity, and the pain and wounds and suffering of the past and the present shall diminish and dissolve into a new and unexpected world of Compassion, Love and Beauty for All.

Japanese Garden of Peace


For the past 3 years, we have been building a Japanese Garden of Peace in Auroville, India with the support of volunteers and donations from others.  Slowly the garden is growing and its hidden Beauty is coming Alive.  As you will see in the video and the pictures below, many features have manifested, including a stone bridge with adjacent pond, pathways made of used roof tiles, plantation of bamboo, trees, shrubs and grasses, and small boulders placed.

Now we are in need of your help to continue the work!

Why a Japanese Garden?

Our Japanese Garden and Pavilion of Silence, designed by Japanese Aurovilian artist and landscaper Jyoti, has been intended to be both a space for silent contemplation in the ancient tradition of Japanese gardens while also being an additional educational element for the Botanical Gardens as a whole – where children, school groups, and people from around the world come to experience and learn about nature and plants while experiencing different landscaping traditions from around the world. It is meant to bring the Japanese quality of Beauty into our Botanical Garden space, while also being a place where people will be able to feel inspired by the harmony of nature and Spirit that Japanese gardens are famous for.

Our garden is also meant to be an educational space for Japanese cultural activities, where traditional tea ceremonies and other Asian events can be offered and experienced. We wish for this space to reflect the truth that Beauty can be used to inspire greater Consciousness and Peace in the world.

Watch Our Video and Donate to Our GoFundMe Campaign!

Auroville and the Auroville Botanical Gardens are a volunteer-based intentional community striving to build Peace and Human Unity for the Earth, so we need YOUR support to build this garden.  Watch our video above or visit our GoFundMe Fundraising Campaign page where you can donate or share with your community.  Here are other ways you can help:

  • SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD! – Whether or not you can donate money for this project, the success of this campaign will depend on if YOU will share about it with your friends on social media and by email so that it can reach as many people as possible.  You can share the campaign directly from the GoFundMe Campaign Page, or….
  • SHARE ON FACEBOOK – I have posted already the campaign on my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/noel.parent.16) and have created an Event https://www.facebook.com/events/237745710250602/  … Please help by sharing these on your Facebook timeline!
  • SHARE ON TWITTER – I have tweeted about the campaign from my twitter account @YogaPoetry, which you can Re-Tweet if you wish.  The more the better!
  • SHARE FROM INSTAGRAM – I have posted on Instagram so you can also share directly from there to other social media.  Look for me @StoryYoga.
  • SHARE FROM YOUTUBE – Our campaign video is on Youtube and can be shared directly from there!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEkutW-I0Po&t=15s
  • SHARE YOUR CONTACTS – If you know any individuals, groups, or other organizations who may be interested in supporting our garden and wish to help us contact them directly, please feel free to CONTACT ME and I will be in touch!

We appreciate any support and hope you will take a look at our video and these pictures to see the Beauty we are trying to create.  Thank you and many wishes of Peace to All!




A Japanese Garden of Peace

In Auroville, we live to create Beauty.  We aspire for Beauty….We work for Beauty….We seek to see the Beauty in All.  Beauty is not simply something nice to experience or look upon, but is something that has the power to Transform everything, to Heal….it is the Soul-Partner of Love. 

Beauty can be found in so many forms in Life….and in Nature it is found most profoundly, when we stop and observe, listen, Feel it.  The Beauty of Gardens has been explored throughout the history of the world in various ways.  In Japan, the Art of Garden-making has become something that seeks to inspire not only a sense of Beauty and Harmony, but also something Deeper, a Spiritual Connection with the Earth and Nature.


The Labyrinth at Auroville Botanical Gardens

In the Auroville Botanical Gardens, we work to inspire a new Spirit and Consciousness, this sense of Beauty and Harmony, into the world around us, into the material world that we are a part of.  It is an Inner Journey first, but also one that informs our Outer Experience.  Over 15 years many people have worked on the land in this place in South India where people from around the world come to experience Something Else….to build Human Unity and Peace in the world by building a city and experimenting with ourselves, our Spiritual and Material worlds.  We have played with Nature and explored its Spirit, and yet still there is much to awaken….

Pavilion of the Silent Reflection-4

Japanese Garden of Peace Design

Recently we have aspired to build a Japanese Garden of Peace here in our Botanical Gardens.  Our fellow Japanese Aurovilian Jyoti has designed a wonderful Garden for us and we have found just the right location to put it.  It will take much work, many hands and hearts, to create it….and also, of course, money.  As we Aurovilians who choose to live as full-time volunteers and offer our lives to build a world not based upon profit but upon creating Beauty and Peace, we need the help of others to build everything here…..So we reach out to all of you who may have a Love for Gardens, for Gardens that will educate and Inspire children and adults and people from around the world….we reach out to you for the help to build this Japanese Garden of Peace.  We invite you to visit our Indiegogo Campaign Page at http://igg.me/at/japanesegarden/x/12519715 where you can see videos, pictures, and find out more detailed information about our special project.  We hope you will find a way to support this project in any way you are able.  Please share this with others in your social media world and inspire others to build Peace in new ways.

Pavilion of the Silent Reflection-3

Japanese Garden of Peace Design

In a world so full of tension and violence, we truly need more actions and creations that will Inspire Peace and Unity between us all.  Love and Light.


Book Release: The Making of a Peace Corps Volunteer

In a world where we speak about Peace more than ever in our history, we must roger-parent-book-coverremember that in the past there have been countless efforts, attempts, movements, events, individuals, and even simple kind Moments of Life that have brought us to this point in time where the global conscience can hold such an Aspiration and Vision. 

Among these movements in history has been the work of the Peace Corps, started in the early 1960’s by President Kennedy.  My father was one of those first pioneering individuals who was sent forth into the world to be a Peace Corps Volunteer during its first year, and he has recently self-published an autobiographical book about his early life, entitled The Making of a Peace Corps Volunteer:  From Maine to Thailand.

Roger Parent with students in Udorn, Thailand, 1962

Roger Parent with students in Udorn, Thailand, 1962

This is his personal true story about living and growing up in rural Maine, where he explores his childhood and shares stories of his experiences as a youth as he grew into the young man who chose to take a leap and join the the new-born Peace Corps organization to serve others in Thailand, where he connected with the people of a new country and foreign culture.  It is a story which exemplifies the Spirit that is necessary to build the Peace in this world that we so eagerly seek:  the Spirit of Connection with our world’s diversity, the Spirit of acceptance and tolerance, the Spirit of learning and growing beyond one’s small personal world to widen one’s experience and perception of the world around oneself through volunteering and service to others. 

Please support this book and the story it has to share by visiting my father’s Dadyoungwebsite and consider purchasing this book, whether it be for yourself, a friend of family member, or donate a copy to your local school or library to allow others to share in its message.

Visit www.rogerparent.org to read reviews and samples of the book, see more pictures and order your paperbook or e-book copy today!  Thank you and Peace to All!